my work

I began my career as an elementary school teacher. Later I moved into social work with disturbed youth, and for awhile pursued a living as a farmer where I learned to milk cows and raise chickens. After that I managed a small manufacturing business, then became an entrepreneur in the digital design industry. That led me to publishing, where I’ve had a successful career creating best-selling books about interactive design. The books I helped publish have made the internet work better because they set the rules. Along the way I’ve written two books of my own, and am working on the third.

A few years ago I was part of a team that launched an innovative web magazine—overjoyed when we scored venture funding, saddened when we had to shut it down because we weren’t successful getting the next round. Fear of failure like that doesn’t hold me back. When you fail, you learn valuable lessons. Of course, it’s better to be successful, and I have been so repeatedly, to the benefit of my clients, colleagues, employers and other stakeholders.

I approach work with a holistic attitude, choosing projects and opportunities that are driven by my passions and interests. Teamwork is essential, and I’m a great leader who knows how to delegate, and also rolls up his sleeves and pitches in to help. I am self-motivated and work efficiently so I accomplish my tasks as quickly as possible.


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